

  • Est-Ce Noir?

    A Global Game Jam submission which plays out a choose-your-own-adventure style narrative AR game whose storyline is triggered as you walk in real time. It also uses depth sensing capabilities to generate a greyscale, rainy world based on your phone’s camera view.

  • Weathergy

    An AR app that won the “Understanding” category for the Niantic Lightship Winter Challenge. It is a multiplayer concept game in which two players affect augmented weather around them as they play.

  • Anyone

    An illustration of the risks of the online ecosystem we occupy in our modern world. Anyone is intended to be viewed in Augmented Reality to create a more personal experience, increase the feeling of exploration and warn of the future dangers of a similar fate befalling this new medium.

  • Keanu Christmas

    An illustration of the risks of the online ecosystem we occupy in our modern world. Anyone is intended to be viewed in Augmented Reality to create a more personal experience, increase the feeling of exploration and warn of the future dangers of a similar fate befalling this new medium.


The Reality Crafters are an award-winning technology and lifestyle duo that focus on AR, ART & HEART.

We craft augmented reality applications, filters and more — experimenting with the future of technology so we can best help guide its path.

We are also passionate about helping people re-craft their reality by eliminating unhealthy tech-induced behaviours and replacing them with more healthful ones that deeply enrich their lives.